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20.5 - Leave of Absence

Updated: 7/30/2018

Interns requesting a “Leave of Absence” from the internship program must make this request in writing to the program director and provide supporting documentation as necessary.  A “Leave of Absence” is defined as absence from the program for fifteen (15) consecutive rotation days or greater.  The program director will approve any request for a leave of absence.  Rotation sites confirmed prior to taking the leave of absence may not be guaranteed upon return, and intern understands rotation sites (previously confirmed or new sites to be confirmed) will be scheduled upon availability of facility/preceptor.  Upon return from the leave of absence, the intern must complete his or her remaining number of supervised practice hours to complete the ACEND-required 1200 supervised practice hours.  For any leave of absence occurring greater than one (1) year, the intern must reapply to the internship program, and any previous supervised practice hours completed in the program will not be valid.

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